the road to pride
"RHUS, The Unconventional Show" is a theatrical musical directed by Ricky Zab, who stages it with his theatre company “Creatures of the Night”. The dedication and passion that this small company puts into each performance has led them to perform the show on increasingly important stages, with the performance for the 2018 Pride festivities in Alcalá de Henares being their most significant milestone. During the rehearsals and preparation of the show, Amy Leiton wanted to record the entire experience, obtaining images with which she later put together a documentary feature film.
In this documentary, the artists themselves narrate the events that led them to achieve such a feat, their impressions, what RHUS means to them and the difficulties they encounter in interpreting their characters. During the two weeks prior to the day of the show, they had to work hard to prepare what would be their first outdoor performance with microphones, as well as mentally prepare themselves for the responsibility of singing for a much larger audience than usual. No adversity prevented them from having fun in the process. “RHUS, The Road to PRIDE” is the story of a dream come true.
The feature-length documentary “RHUS, The Road to PRIDE” has already tried its luck at festivals around the world, being selected in four of them: The Filmy Monks Film Festival (ONTFM), International Streaming Award (ISA), Lift-Off Global Network and Utsav International Film Festival, and has received the Best Documentary award at the TFM Film Festival.